January 16, 2018

Kyma Technologies, Inc., a leading developer of advanced materials technologies, is pleased to announce it has booked record sales for advanced semiconductor device development and prototyping.

As of today, mid-January 2018, Kyma's bookings for design and fabrication of advanced devices is already ahead of all previous years since the company was founded in 1998.

Best known as a leading supplier of crystalline GaN materials, Kyma began supplying GaN based photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS) devices in 2012. Over the past two years Kyma has won several contracts to design, manufacture, and deliver select niche devices, including GaN based high power switching electronics and GaN based sensor arrays for detecting nuclear particles.

Kyma's device efforts are led by Chief Science Officer Jacob Leach who studied advanced GaN based RF devices while obtaining his PhD at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Leach's PhD advisor is Hadis Morkoç, VCU Founders Professor, who also serves on Kyma's Advisory Board. For Kyma's device activities, Dr. Leach works closely with Jaime Rumsey, who joined Kyma in 2016 after obtaining volume GaN-on-Si device manufacturing expertise in his early career.

Kyma president & CEO Keith Evans commented, "Kyma's DNA is rooted in the development of better materials in support of lower cost and better performing devices. To succeed in this we need partners who can validate our materials, preferably with an attractive cost structure and turn-around time. Such partners are hard to find and thus we felt that we needed to find a way to shorten the path to proving out our materials as well as our novel device concepts. And once we did that, we were pleased to find that there is a significant accessible market for custom device design and fabrication services."

"We are thankful to several close partners for helping us to fill out our device design and fabrication capabilities. Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) has helped us access state-of-the-art device simulation software, thanks to John Hryn and Angel Yanguas-Gilof ANL, with whom Kyma is partnered through the Department of Energy's Technologist in Residence (TIR) program. Duke University's Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility (SMIF) has also been a great resource," added Evans.

While Kyma's device customers are all protected by confidentiality agreements, Kyma expects that one or more of its device customers will present their device results in one or more leading conferences later this year.

About Kyma Technologies, Inc.

Kyma’s mission is to provide advanced materials solutions that promote energy efficiency. Kyma’s products include a diverse portfolio of advanced crystalline materials (including GaN, AlN, AlGaN, and Ga2O3), crystal growth tools for fabricating such materials, and GaN-based photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS) devices. Kyma's growing service offering includes specialty parts manufacturing, advanced device design and fabrication, materials characterization, wafer fabrication, and federal contract consulting services.

For more information about Kyma, visit www.kymatech.com, send an email to info@kymatech.com, or call the company directly at +1 919.789.8880.